Haumean KoiraNetissä: https://jalostus.kennelliitto.fi/frmKasvattaja.aspx?K=HAUMEAN&R=50

^ 4 generations of champions in Best of Breed -breeder's group (from left):
great-grandma "Ruu" (Haumean Rukutiili) 10 years, grandma "Olga" (Haumean Ursula) 6 years, mother "Wilma" (Haumean Wonkale) 3 years and son "Puntti" (Haumean Yantteri) 1 year
photo: KVPhoto
23.05.2024 New: champion gallery (in the main menu)
18.05.2024 Rauma Haumean I Hi'iaka "Hilkka" BF1 & BOS (on the left), Haumean Wampira "Helmi-Silakka" BOB-veteran, vet-cac & BF3

kuva: J. Ahlqvist |
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11.05.2024 Paimio Haumean II Namaka "Halla" BF2 & cac. She became now a Finnich champion, in her 5th show ever.
09.05.2024 Turku Haumean II Namaka "Halla" BF3 & cac

04.05.2024 Kouvola Haumean Wenus "Wiiwi" Best of breed, best veteran, vet-cac and a brand new veteran champion
01.05.2024 Lahti Haumean Wenus "Wiiwi" best female, BOS and vet-cac
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29.04.2024 Haumean Vavavoom "Foxy" 10 years! Foxy also became an official lukukoira

28.04.2024 Health results: Haumean Dämmönen "Stinki" heart clear by echo doppler
09.09.2023 annual specialty, Tampere
The biggest newfie event of 2023, 89 newfs present.
Judges Doron Rachlin, Israel (males)
Fabrizio La Rocca, Italia (females, best white&black)
Haumean Yantteri "Puntti" Ch-EXC4 CQ, Best-male-IV, Best white&black
Haumean I Hi'iaka "Hilkka" Ch-EXC
Haumean Wampira "Helmi-Silakka" Ch-EXC
Haumean Wonkale "Wilma" Ch-EXC4 CQ
^from left: Puntti, Olga, Helmi, Wilma, Hilkka |
^Haumean Yantteri "Puntti" |

^Haumean Wonkale "Wilma"

^Haumean Wonkale "Wilma"
15.07.2023 Riihimäki: Haumean Wampira "Helmi-Silakka" best bitch, BOS, cac and a new Finnish Champion (on the right) |

10.06.2023 Paimio: Haumean I Hi'iaka "Hilkka" BOS, best female, cac and a new Finnish Champion

^Haumean I Hi'iaka "Hilkka" photo: V. Lummaa
21.05.2023 Rauma: Haumean I Hi'iaka "Hilkka" best female 2, cac |

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06.05.2023 Tuusula: Haumean Chili Pippurinen best of breed, cac and a new Finnish Champion

15.03.2023 Health results: Haumean Dämmönen "Stinki"
01.02.2023 Hilkka (Haumean I Hi'iaka) is Vuoden Rallynöffi 2022! Hilkka earned "the best rally-obedience newf" title 2022 issued by the Newfoundland Club of Finland
Congratulations to her owner-trainer Jaana! Hard work pays off!
20.01.2023 Chili (Haumean Chili Pippurinen) passed the aptitude test for dog-assisted intervention link
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30.10.2022 Health results:
Haumean Chili Pippurinen "Chili" heart healthy by echo doppler & ekg
Haumean I Hi'Iaka "Hilkka" heart healthy by echo doppler & ekg
Haumean II Namaka "Halla" heart healthy by echo doppler & ekg ___________________________________
30.09.2022 Health results:
Haumean Chili Pippurinen "Chili" hips A/A elbows 0/0 ___________________________________
Some show results:
16.07.2022 Helsinki Haumean Chili Pippurinen "Chili" EXC1 CQ jun-cac BOB-jun res-cac Haumean Dämmönen "Stinki" EXC4 CQ
09.07.2022 Mäntsälä Haumean Chili Pippurinen "Chili" EXC3 Haumean Dämmönen "Stinki" EXC1 CQ jun-cac BOB-jun res-cac BF4 Haumean Hi'iaka "Hilkka" VG3
03.07.2022 Oulu INT Haumean Yantteri "Puntti" EXC3 Haumean Chili Pippurinen "Chili" VG
02.07.2022 Finnish specialty in Oulu Haumean Yantteri "Puntti" EXC2 CQ BM3 Haumean Chili Pippurinen "Chili" EXC2 CQ (2nd out of 15 junior entries)

^Haumean Chili Pippurinen "Chili" photo: P. Nykänen

^Haumean Dämmönen "Stinki" photo: S. Alanko
22.06.2022 Health results of litter I (out of Vaskimäki Jykevä Jyrki x Haumean Wonkale):
Haumean I Hi'iaka hips B/A elbows 0/0 patellas 0/0 eyes & eyelids clear
Haumean II Namaka hips C/B elbows 0/0 patellas 0/0 eyes & eyelids clear
19.06.2022 Wiiwi (Haumean Wenus) is now an International Champion

29.05.2022 Kontiolahti
We have a new champion!
Napi Napi (Haumean Waapukka)
Congrats and thank you Johanna & Ilkka!
Thank you Henna!

Can you spot all 7?
26.05.2022 in rainy Tuusula
We have a veteran champion!
junior cac: Haumean Chili Pippurinen "Chili"
cac: Haumean Chili Pippurinen
veteran cac &
new veteran champion: Haumean Ursula "Olga"
exc1 Haumean I Hi'iaka "Hilkka" vg2 Haumean Bärbel "Wiena" vg2 Haumean Wampira "Helmi-Silakka" vg3 Haumean Vavavoom "Foxy" 1st time in veteran class
special guest: Haumean Brynolf Poutanen "Mauno Antero"
pic: Susanna Lampinen

Brand new official kaverikoira Haumean Wampira "Helmi"
Helmi is a 2nd-generation-kaverikoira after her dam Haumean Ursula "Olga"

22.05.2022 Rauma
gilrs from left
cac: Haumean I Hi'iaka "Hilkka" res-cac: Haumean Wampira "Helmi-Silakka"
veteran cac: Haumean Ursula "Olga"

21.05.2022 Kaarina
character test: Haumean Wenus "Wiiwi"
+139 p gun proof

15.5.2022 Valkeakoski
BM3 Haumean Yantteri "Puntti"
vg1 Haumean Bärbel "Wiena", our first-timer

01.05.2022 Lahti best breeder's group with 4 combinations from junior to veteran
28.04.2022: Halla (H. Namaka) patellas 0/0 eyes & eyelids clear + Iitu (H. Bingoemäntä) patellas 0/0 eyes & eyelids clear
31.03.2022: Hilkka (H. I Hi'iaka) patellas 0/0 eyes & eyelids clear
Chili (H. Chili Pippurinen) patellas 0/0 eyes & eyelids clear
26.03.2022: Hilkka (H. I Hi'iaka) RTK1-koulutustunnus
10.03.2022: Wiena (H. Bärbel) patellas 0/0 eyes & eyelids clear

Vuolasvirta-palkinto myönnetty 2021
"Suomen Kennelliitto myöntää palkinnon korkeimpana huomionosoituksena ansioituneille kasvattajille.
-- Palkinto myönnetään ansiokkaasta kasvattajatyöstä. Kasvattajalla on oltava kennelnimi ja hänen toimintansa kenneltyössä on oltava kasvattajasitoumuksen mukaista, moitteetonta ja esimerkillistä. Kasvattajan ansiot määräytyvät hänen kasvattamiensa koirien ja niiden saavuttamien käyttökoe- ja näyttelytulosten perusteella palkintoon liittyvän pisteytysjärjestelmän mukaisesti. Pisteet lasketaan kymmenen pentueen saavutuksista."

Haumean Wonkale "Wilma" with her 2 little moons photo by KVPhoto |
Tyyne (H. Xmas Xena)
has new health results: heart clear by doppler + EKG.
Previously tested:
hips A/A, elbows 0/0, back TV0, VA0, patellas 0/0 eyes & eyelids clear
Jessi (H. Yeskamandeera) has new health results: hips A/A, elbows 0/0, heart clear by doppler + EKG.
Previously tested: patellas 0/0 eyes & eyelids clear
19.01.2020 in Lahti: Puntti (Haumean Yantteri) BM2 & cac
Heart results (ultrasound & EKG):
Foxy (H. Vavavoom) heart healthy, Wilma (H. Wonkale) heart healthy, Wiiwi (H. Wenus) heart healthy
We have a Junior Winner 2019!

^ "Puntti" Haumean Yantteri is the Finnish Junior Winner 2019
owner S. Alanko
^& ^^
"Otso" Haumean Yuhannustaika in his own territory
^Our brand new Finnish & Estonian champion Haumean Wonkale "Wilma"
photo: S.Palo
photo by Pikkusaari Photography
Haumean Ursula "Olga" and her daughter Haumean Wampira "Helmi-Silakka" professionally photographed by Aino Pikkusaari. Enjoy their album here:
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Haumean Rymyeetu "Reetu" returned to the ring at 9 years of age, after a 7-year break
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photo by Oinas
We have a new triple champion!
Kajaani 07.04.2018 Haumean Wenus "Wiiwi" BF1 cac BOS -> FI & LV & LT ch
Puppy plans updated
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photo I. Tirronen |
Juuka 04.02.2018 BOS veteran male at 9 years: Haumean Rohveessori "Pedro" |

click on the picture to see it bigger / klikkaa kuvaa suuremmaksi |
Nöffien näyttelypistekilpailu 2017
Best Breeder #2 / Paras kasvattaja #2
Kennel Haumean
Best Puppy #1 / Paras pentu #1
Haumean Xmas Xena "Tyyne"
Best Female #3 / Paras narttu #3
Haumean Wenus "Wiiwi"
Best Intermediate Female #2 / Paras nuori narttu #2
Haumean Wenus "Wiiwi"
Finnish Veteran Winner 2017 / Veteraanivoittaja 2017, Nordic Veteran Winner 2017 / Pohjoismaiden Veteraanivoittaja 2017
Haumean Ravatti "Riesa"
EE, LV, LT, BALT veteran champion / EE, LV, LT, BALT veteraanimuotovalio Haumean Rukutiili "Ruu"
RTK1 (rally tokon koulutustunnus) Haumean Wampira "Helmi" ohj. Jaana Ahlqvist
FI CH / FI MVA Haumean Voimamies "Sulo"
3 character tested dogs / 3 hyväksytysti luonnetestattua kasvattia 2 rally obedience competitors / 2 rally tokossa kisaajaa 2 water rescue test goers / 2 vesipelastuskisaajaa 11 health tested dogs / 11 koiran PEVISA-tarkkeja
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Riesa (Haumean Ravatti) is now Nordic Veteran Winner 2017,
being also Best of Breed Veteran 09.12.2017
Riesa (Haumean Ravatti) is now Finnish Veteran Winner 2017,
being also Best of Breed Veteran 10.12.2017
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2017-09-16 in Äänekoski
BOB & BestInShow3 breeder group kennel Haumean BOB-puppy H. Xmas Xena "Tyyne" BOB & BOB-VETeran H. "Riesa" BOS cac H. Wenus "Wiiwi" H. Ursula "Olga" BB3 H. Wonkale "Wilma" BB4 res-cac H. Wampira "Helmi-Silakka" VG3

photo Emaus
2017-09-09 & 2017-09-10 Kennel Haumean got great results this weekend from 4 fields:
rally obedience, water rescue, character tests & dog shows!
RALLY OBEDIENCE Olga (H. Ursula) is now the Rally Obedience Master 2017 of her own club Nu-pu,
WATER RESCUE Sulo (H. Voimamies) started his career in newfie championships and participated in the winning team
CHARACTER TEST Nirppu (H. Uulalaa) +95 points, gun proof. Olga (H. Ursula) +141 points, gun proof.
SHOWS Porvoo Tyyne (H. Xmas Xena) BOB-pyppy, Wiiwi (H. Wenus) BB3 cac, Wilma (H. Wonkale) EXC2 Olga (H. Ursula) EXC4
Muurame Riitu Repekka (H. Vappuheila) BB2 cac
Urho (Haumean Wirtuoosi) features in a music video! https://youtu.be/B5U001MbKEo

photo by Storgårds
^Wilma (Haumean Wonkale, on the right) best bitch in Tervakoski 27.08.2017

photo by Storgårds
^Wiiwi (Haumean Wenus, on the right) best bitch in Heinola 20.08.2017

^Ruu (Haumean Rukutiili) posing as a brand new Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Baltic veteran champion

photo by Storgårds
^Riesa (Haumean Ravatti) veteran male EXC2 in specialty

photo by Storgårds
^Onni (Haumean Xmas Mad Max) best male baby specialty

photo by Storgårds
^Tyyne (Haumean Xmas Xena) best female baby specialty

photo by Storgårds
Kennel Haumean
Breeder group @ Finnish specialty 2017 :D
photo by A-H Storgårds


BOB breeder group kennel Haumean and Wilma (Haumean Wonkale) best bitch
in Tuusula 01.07.2017 photo by Storgårds

Napi (Haumean Waapukka) best bitch
in Lapinlahti 01.07.2017 photo^ by Sirpa & Anni

Wiiwi (Haumean Wenus) has a healthy back: VA0 & LTV0

^17.06.2017 judge Harry Tast Wiiwi (Haumean Wenus) BOB Wiiwi (Haumean Wenus) rotunsa paras
1st puppy of W litter x-rayed: "Wiiwi" (Haumean Wenus) hips B/B, elbows 0/0
We have a new champion! "Sulo" Haumean Voimamies is now FI ch


Happy mother's day for Olga:
Olga (Haumean Ursula) best of breed, and her daughters Wiiwi (H. Wenus) BB2 cac, Wilma (H. Wonkale) BB3 res-cac and Lumi (H. Walkyria) EXC3. Kennel Haumean best breeder (with Olga & her 3 daughters)

13.05.2017 Helmi (H. Wampira) earns RTK1 in rally-obedience in just 7 days and 3 starts. Congratulations!
12.05.2017 Helmi (H. Wampira) continues her rally obedience career with Jaana: 99/100 points plus a judge's award!

07.05.2017 Helmi (H. Wampira) started her rally obedience career with Jaana with 93 points. Congratulations!
04.05.2017 Riitu (H. Vappuheila) working as a companion dog

Annual Competition of Finnish Newfoundland Club Results 2016
Puppy of the Year I (shared) "Wiiwi" (H. Wenus)
Brood Bitch of the Year II "Ruu" (H. Rukutiili)
Best Breeder IV kennel Haumean

^"Sulo" Haumean Voimamies & his cac 29.04.2017
photo by Palo
U litter 4 years @ 1.4.2017
The whole litter is champions:
"Nirppu" Haumean Uulalaa, "Lilla" Haumean Ulpukka, "Martta" Haumean Uniikki, "Olga" Haumean Ursula

